The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Castro Sighting?

Ol' Tracksuit Corpsebones has been spotted in public. For evidence, see the guy on the left:

Egyptian opposition supporters burn a US flag during a demonstration outside the Bar Association in downtown Cairo against US President George W. Bush's visit today to Egypt. Bush was upbeat as he ended his Middle East tour Wednesday, saying he was optimistic an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal can be reached despite failing to win full Arab backing for his efforts. (AFP/Khaled Desouki)

Yeah yeah, I know deep down that it's not him, but if I tie my tin-foil tight enough (and squint), it could be...

At least I am comforted knowing that Fidel shares the same political views as the gentleman pictured here.

 Tags: khaled desouki AFP #Dictatorship

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