The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Constantly-Offended Sensibilities

So I hear that the soccer team of Milan has been sued by a Muslim lawyer, because he was "offended" that it resembled the symbol of the Crusades. I guess that means that the following will be guaranteed to offend the sensibilities of the Perpetually Outraged as well, then:

Avert thine eyes, ye heathen swine!

Charles Johnson's got an excellent roundup of other perpetually-offended offences, as well.



#1 forest 12-Dec-2007
It looks like Denmark, Britain, Norway etc are going to have to change their flags now - or maybe just scrap them and submit to the EU flag. No, wait, that will probably piss off Turkey too. Maybe they should just go straight to a crescent design.
#2 Rhymes With Right 12-Dec-2007
Better yet – instead of an EU ban on crosses, how about an EU ban on Muslims? A Turkish lawyer is taking legal action against Inter Milan, the Italian football team, for wearing a strip with “Crusader-style” red crosses that...
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