The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Explosion in Beirut?

Apparently, somebody set off a concussion grenade next to a car in the Christian district of Ain al-Rimeneh, in Lebanon. There have been no fatalities or injuries reported so far, thankfully. I'll keep you posted if I hear more about this.

Lebanese soldiers secure the area of an explosion caused by a "sound grenade" in the Christian district of Ain al-Rimeneh area near Beirut December 11, 2007. The "sound grenade" exploded on a car and no causalities were reported, the army said. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir (LEBANON)

 Tags: mohammed azakir REUTERS #Lebanon


#1 Soccer Dad 14-Dec-2007
Snapped Shot informs us Wow, so yesterday's concussion grenade was not anything major, but it was followed up by a major car bombing in a different part of town, an event that took the life of one of Lebanon's most fiercely anti-Syrian generals. Was the first attack intended to distract the Lebanese security forces, and to provide an opening for the second attack? The Washington Post (with no sense of irony) gives play to some of the hypocrisy here: Asked about the culprit, shop owner Rafael shrugged his shoulders, a gesture conveying the anonymity of those behind the assassinations that...
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