The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Daily Dictator

Okay, so any picture that ol' Moammar Qaddafi is in is usually comedy gold by itself, but seriously: Jose Socrates? That's pronounced "SO crates," right? Priceless!

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, left, and Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates listen to their national anthems Thursday, Dec. 6 2007, at the Sao Bento Palace, the Premier's official residence, in Lisbon. Gadhafi arrived Thursday in Lisbon to participate in the EU-Africa summit over the weekend. (AP Photo/Armando Franca)

Speaking of dictators, be sure to check out The Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World. Where's our giant statue of Herr Dictator George W. "Chimpy McHalliburtonBlackwateritler" Bush, anyway? He's right about due to declare his dictatorship for life, according to the insanosphere, isn't he?

 Tags: armando franca AP

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