The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Hello, Gravatars!

A couple of ye scoundrels have requested that I markup your comments in wild and amusing ways. I'm always glad to do that, but if you're looking for something immediate, go to and sign up for an account today. Whatever picture you upload there will be instantaneously displayed beside your name on every blog you comment on—including this one.

Ah, the Internet.

Hmmm... It would appear that Serendipity's a little bit touchy about this. I'm not sure where it's happening, but things are definitely falling apart. We may be saying "Goodbye" to Gravatars hear real soon if I can't get this resolved...

All fixed. Serendipity wants Gravatars to be 40x40? Then that's what they're going to be. Yeesh...



#1 Brian C. Ledbetter 27-Nov-2007
Let's try this again...

Does it work this time?
#2 forest 27-Nov-2007
I'm still getting the "X"
#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 27-Nov-2007
LOL, me too. This is working out [i]grrrreat[/i], isn't it?

#4 Brian C. Ledbetter 27-Nov-2007
Aha! I guess s9y wants them to be 40x40 pixels. I guess that's just going to have to be good enough for now... but geez, wonder why it was doing that?
#5 Scott's Morning Brew 27-Nov-2007
I read this on snapped shot today:
A couple of ye scoundrels have requested that I markup your comments in wild and amusing ways. I’m always glad to do that, but if you’re looking for something immediate, go to and sign up for...
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