The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Caption of the Day

This is pretty funny for an unintentional faux pas. In some of the more regressive cultures of the Middle East, it might also double as a rather controversial statement.

A woman exists a bus below campaign posters of Jordanian parliament candidates in the Baqaa Palestinian refugees camp near Amman. The Jordanian government played down reports of vote-buying as the electorate flocked to the polls under tight security in the pro-Western desert kingdom.(AFP/Khalil Mazraawi)

More on so-called Palestinian "refugee" camps here, in case you're not already familiar with how the term has come to be so abused.

 Tags: khalil mazraawi AFP #Intifada


#1 Kevin 20-Nov-2007
Tell me more about this 'woman' thing. I had heard stories about them, but assumed they were just fables.
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