It would appear that the Iranian government is stirring up a little bit of Ye Olde Anti-American Sentiments amongst its people again—Here's a "spontaneous" protest outside of the United Nations accusing the United States of "delaying" the process of rebuilding Shi'ite shrines in Iraq. Of course, the Iranian government probably shouldn't be expected to inform its citizens that Iran had a hand in those bombings, but hey, that's okay:—Reuters doesn't think you need to know that, either.
I'll be rounding up pictures of this outrage
du jour following the break.
Update: Curses yet again! I haven't seen a string of
Dick-Dastardlys like this in a long while!
As J.C. has so helpfully pointed out, my statement above was
incorrect. My apologies for the mistake—and thanks for keeping me on my toes, JC! Yes, I do usually fact-check things before I post them, but as you can tell, things occasionally fall through.
Update: Just keep in mind that Iran
definitely has a hand in the chaos of Iraq. The extent of Iran's reach may be debatable, but they are
definitely there with the intent of harming us.
I'm going to be splitting these photos into two groups in observation of the fact that these "tolerant" protests are gender-segregated.
The Unclean
(Also known as "Women" in the civilised world.)
Tags: morteza nikoubazl
hasan sarbakhshian
Do you fact check your posts? Honestly.
The article you cite to in the bombing of the Golden Mosque is from right after the bombing, a day or two, before any real investigation was done.
After the bombing was properly investigated, it was clear that it was perpetrated by Al Quaeda in Iraq ("AQI").
That fact was acknowledged by President George W. Bush himself in a press conference held on August 21, 2006.
As everyone knows, AQI is a SUNNI militia group that has repeatedly threatened Iran to stay out of Iraq and stop supporting Iraqi Shia.
What is it with you and Reuters and why do you feel the need to post false and/or poorly researched posts attacking Reuters?