The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Terrorists Ask, Press Answers

The terrorist scum over at Hamas have rounded up a handful of innocent-looking children and trotted them out to protest the "unfair" Israeli sanctions. Lest we forget, the "unfair" sanctions they are protesting are in response to a continual barrage of rockets launched at Israel, openly admitted to by Hamas itself.

Palestinian children hold banners and candles during a demonstration organized by civilians protesting against the Israeli sanctions on Gaza Strip, in front of the United Nation headquarters in Gaza City, Thursday, Nov. 1, 2007. Earlier this week, Israel's attorney general held up the government's plan to cut back electricity supplies to Gaza, demanding more work be done to prevent humanitarian harm. Palestinians in Gaza rely on Israel for all of their fuel and more than half of their electricity. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Two things to note about these pictures: The press is fully aware of Hamas' complicity in the rocket attacks—photojournalists cover the press conferences that announce such actions on a regular basis. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Israel has completely backed away from cutting electricity to the Gaza Strip, which means that all of this darkness and candlelight is merely simulated for dramatic effect.

Once again, the press proves that it cannot be trusted in honestly covering the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Why am I not surprised?


LGF, Israellycool, Dogfight at Bankstown
[Ed.:—Notice the lower-left corner? Classy.] Palestinian children hold candles during a protest calling for the end of Israeli sanctions on Gaza November 1, 2007. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (GAZA)

(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (GAZA)

REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (GAZA)

REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (GAZA)

REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (GAZA)

(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Rally for Gaza : Palestinian children hold candles during a rally calling for the end of Israeli sanctions on the Gaza Strip in Gaza City. (AFP/Mahmud Hams)

More on Mahmud's support for terrorism over here.

 Tags: hamas adel hana mahmud hams suhaib salem AFP AP REUTERS #Human Shields


#1 hankmeister 01-Nov-2007
Ho hum, it's business as usual with the lamestream media - pander to the Islamofascists and undermine democratic governments. (yawn)
#2 Tony Johnson 01-Nov-2007
See the really really really big candle in the upper right corner of the big picture ... Oh that's not a candle ... it's a damn street light! Must have been my kid turning the lights out!!!
#3 get2djnow 01-Nov-2007
The Asso w/Terrorists Press and Al Reuters have been at this for years. They won't stop because the general public in the US either doesn't know it's happening, or doesn't really care. In the case of most NPR listeners and RonPaulians the sad answer is that they prefer to see the distortions that put Israel in a bad light. If these candles could be inserted closer to their brains we'd at least have the satisfaction of knowing that candles can bring light to a place where the sun won't shine.
#4 Karridine 01-Nov-2007
Israel, known as "*The Holy Land*" to _Jews, Christians and Baha'is_, is being abused daily by these media tools, who not only have an axe to grind but want to bury the axe...

in Israel's back!
#5 Chris in Toronto 01-Nov-2007
"We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for making us kill theirs."

Golda Meir
#6 soccer dad 02-Nov-2007
Excellent commentary and analysis. And thank you for the link!
#7 Kevin 02-Nov-2007
Is there any way to close the border harder? 'Cause I'm for that. I just watched a vid of a guy shooting rockets into Israel not even a single foot away from a school.

I'm not even Jewish, and I'm outraged. I don't think the Palestinians in Gaza can even be saved, so great is the hatred that they have been taught. Someone might want to suggest to them that their new choice is 'live with what you have in peace' or 'die'.

It's come to that. I can't believe Israel put up with these attacks so long. We wouldn't. Believe that.
#8 captainfish 02-Nov-2007
I first thought this was a local protest of the Oklahoma anti-illegals law. We have been slammed by one sorry sad story after another on the media about how this new law will tear families apart and ruin kid's lives across the planet.

Hey Kevin, you may not be Jewish, but you can still be mad. But, it seems the Jews who are Jewish are not mad. They are not even upset. It would seem that they have lived like this for far too long and have grown accustomed to the rocket barrages and thus, turn a blind eye to them.

As an example, the fact that Israel is still dealing with Hamas in any fashion proves that Israel is full of IDIOTS. That fuel and electricity should have been shut off as soon as Hamas won their elections. At the very least, those commodities should have been stopped when they started killing Fatah members all over Gaza.

Israel is asleep. Not even death and destruction will wake it up now. They know the wolf is at the door chewing on their children, but they sleep away.

Arabs/Muslims no longer fear Israel. Israel is full of empty threats thanks to chickens in their government. Bring back Golda.
#9 PM 02-Nov-2007
I say open a candle and flag bizz in Gaza... lets earn money out of them.. ;)

ok tell me, which flag they burnt the most... is it American or Israeli or indian or British... I want to keep the stock full of demands ... :)
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