Have you ever noticed how leftists, when they have nothing left to argue, inevitably fall back upon tarring their opponent as "narrow-minded?" Yeah, me too. Which brings us to this cute little nugget, brought to us by brand-spanking new friend of Snapped Shot, English photographer Tom White. Tom stopped by to say "hello" to us last Friday, leaving a rambling comment on an article that's over a year old:
It beggers belief to think that someone with so obviously skewed and biased interpretations of photographs and reports on subjects you have so obviously little personal experience of can claim to be revealing the bias in said reports, photographs etc.
This is some of the most biased and subjective social and political commentary I have ever read. Especially galling is the tone of your writing which is distinctly pompous and self righteous.
Exposing Photojournalism? Objectivity? I see nothing of the kind here.
For example, to suggest (using the thinly disguised rhetoric and italicised emphasis) that a member of a group called Artists Against The War is incapable of adequately reporting on conflict based upon their professed views on the nature of warfare is preposterous. I have met many conflict photographers who are wholly against warfare and report on it in order to show how brutal the reality of war is and how it is one of the most horrific of all humankind's activities. If this is what you would regard as a biased view then you should perhaps don a flak jacket and go to a warzone yourself in order to show us the content and form of unbiased war reporting.
I'd just like to briefly asses one quote from yourself:
"Can we trust that they'd be able to tell us the truth about something they're wholly opposed to?"
To suggest that someone with an opinion on something cannot tell the 'truth' about that something reveals a whole host of flaws in your general outlook and completely negates the validity of your statements. You claim to have the thread of common sense and logic pervading your life, yet you can write the above statement without realising the paradoxical nature of it within it's context?
It is a shame, because reasoned critique of the media and it's output is sorely needed, however after reading several posts then I can only conclude that this blog is not the place where I will find it.
I think you should rename your site
www.obsessedwiththemiddleeastandislamanofthe opinionthattheyareallwarmongeringamericanhatingtowelheads.com
I bet the domain name is up for grabs.
As for "exposing photojournalism one frame at a time", how about actually commenting on a photograph that is not from the middle east, does not depict Arabs or Muslims and does not include a distinct air of casual racism. That would make a change.
e_a said...
He lives near me. Well documented bigot in local political/social affairs. Wouldn't be half surprised to see him out in a white hood some night. [Ed.:—What, you mean like this? I'll get right on it...]
October 27, 2007 3:00 PM
tom white said...
Yeah I saw he was from Virginia! Local Celeb?
October 27, 2007 5:47 PM