UPDATE: Reuters has responded again. Has this issue touched a nerve with the GBU Editor? I'm pleased to see them release all the evidence at their disposal, though.
It is important to understand that accuracy and impartiality are central to our reporting, and to everything Reuters represents. We distribute approximately 1,500 pictures per day, and these pass through rigorous editorial evaluation and selection to make it onto our wire. We stand behind the authenticity and accuracy of both the original photo, and the additional images supplied.
I hate to say it, but I'm almost with Reuters on this one: The additional photographs
do show quite a bit of undamaged room, in addition to piles of charred wood which, presumably, came from the roof of the house. The ball is back in ASRL's court, though—I'd love to see what their fire experts say about this additional information.
Reuters has been challenged about that
pristine doll we were discussing a while back, and is fighting back
with a vengeance... of sorts:
The photo is fine. We have examined the whole sequence of pictures that included this one, and there are a number of things in the house - a doorknob here, a picture frame there, etc. - that appear clean despite the serious fire damage around them: GBU Editor
Thanks to Rhonda Shearer from
the Art Science Research Laboratory for bringing this to my attention, and for giving me the chance to hit
the fauxtography tag once again. I definitely look forward to hearing what becomes of this investigation!
Update: Déjà vu. Reuters really loves standing behind their controversies, don't they?
Update: Here is one of the other images Rhonda referenced. Very nicely composed, too:
Also note that
a personal friend of Mario Anzuoni swears that Mario would never stage a photograph—Which is duly noted, Chris. Is it possible that this was merely a very unlikely coincidence? My bet's on "no," but hey, I'm always open to
Tags: fauxtography
mario anzuoni
I propose an experiment. Lets burn down Reuters' headquarters and see how much shit is lying around completely unscathed afterwards.
If so, than they can have the benefit of the doubt.