The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

You Learn Something New Every Day

For instance, I learned today that zoning regulations that restrict the colour of a housing structure are racist.

I'm having a hard time finding the Federal statute that describes this kind of anti-immigrant fever as a "hate-crime," but I'm sure it's on the books somewhere...



#1 forest 11-Oct-2007
"We all know who paints their homes tropical colors." - Elizabeth Villafranca

Sounds like she's profilin' herself.

I'm against onerous zoning regulations because I favor property rights - but "Profiling"? c'mon.
#2 phillip 12-Oct-2007
Ann Coulter is amazing, too.

What's with these crazy people on both the left & the right? I mean... c'mon!
#3 captainfish 12-Oct-2007
Well, this type of thing is nothing new at all. Zoning laws have been gaining strength and tenacity over last few decades. There is one neighborhood around OKC that bans all pickups from the front of the houses and street. If your pickup costs more than your car, it is still not allowed to be parked in your driveway.

These will continue as long as there are whiny people trying to force someone else to live at their own standards. Did you know that some areas are using flyovers to take photos of properties in their area to see if any unauthorized building, remodeling or additions have occurred?

Thank GOD for country living. NO one can tell me how to live on MY property, what I can do on MY property or tell me to NOT do anything else.

This country was founded on freedoms and laws in coordination with each other. Lately, laws have surpassed the idea of freedom. Nepotism, laziness and jealousness have given power to socialism.
#4 mindy 13-Oct-2007
I lived next door to a purple house once.
I hated it. I had nothing against skin color...I hated the garish purple. my neighborhood, the illegal's are harassing the LEGAL immigrants.

#5 captainfish 13-Oct-2007
but, are you saying that you or others should have the right to tell that purple house owner that they can't paint the house purple? Maybe that color is what keeps the owner from going psycho? What if brown or even plain white was disallowed?

I have even seen yellow houses with purple trim. These houses are their owner's pride and joy. They make the people happy and content.
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