The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Not your Daddy's Oats

William Penn would be aghast at these clowns.
Oof, okay, so the title was a truly catastrophic play on Quaker Oats.

Hopefully the details of this sordid story will more than make up for it. (h/t FR)

The American Friends Service Committee is a hardcore leftist group which has been involved in more than a generation of anti-war sentiment and protest. What was once a simple Quaker group was, from the Communist influx of the 1930's, transformed into a radically anti-American enterprise. No cause was too small for the AFSC to step in and slander American troops, and no Marxist pap was too minor for them to support wholeheartedly.

Personally, I'd love to blame the hippies, but I think the seeds of this group's destruction came long before their infantile decade.

So anyway, returning to the present, I'd venture to say that this story is a very good illustration of how responsibly groups with "Absolute Moral Authority" deal with donations given to them, even under the very best intentions:
As for the rest of Eloesser's considerable family fortune from stock, real estate and businesses, he set it aside for loans to needy medical students. The bequest was in keeping with his twin devotions—public health and progressive politics.

As it turns out, Eloesser could not exercise the same kind of control over his money as he did over his funeral.

Thirty-one years after Eloesser's death at age 95, the Pennsylvania Attorney General is suing the American Friends Service Committee, saying the Quaker charity misspent Eloesser's bequest.

The Philadelphia charity has already paid back more than $1 million to an Eloesser endowment. It says it's still searching its books for a full accounting of how it spent the doctor's money—more than $8 million in all.

"Where are the Quaker values? Misappropriation of funds is not a Quaker value," said Patrick Manion, a former employee of the charity who says he alerted authorities to how the Eloesser funds were being used.

The charity insists that it spent Eloesser's money on worthy health-care causes, albeit not always precisely on medical training.

Wishy-washy semantical parsing that would make Bill Clinton blush?

Now that's what "moral authority" is all about.


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