The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Move On™ Already... Or else!

I always love it when someone gives me an excuse to use Photoshop:

Phear the Parachute Pants, yo.



#1 captainfish 30-Sep-2007
I like Hot Air's version better. I actually borrowed it from them.
#2 parsingpoet 01-Oct-2007
Hi, Thank you for posting this. I hope you will join our fundraiser for the NMFA. Nothing will speak louder than if we can send a bunch of kids to summer camp next year.
#3 Rooster 01-Oct-2007
#4 captainfish 01-Oct-2007
"Thank you for posting this. I hope you will join our fundraiser for the NMFA."

HUH??? You posted your own comment. And WTH is NMFA?
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