The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Those "Unfair" Israeli Jails

The press loves to show up and cover the weekly protests held (usually on Monday) by Palestinian women seeking the release of their relatives from Israeli jails, and the portfolio generally consists of the most genteel members of their society. I don't usually cover these protests, as they're generally fairly formulaic, but there is a photo from today that I think illustrates the true situation behind jailed Palestinians quite clearly. From the Associated Press' Nasser Ishtayeh:

Palestinian Fatheyeh Shreem, holds a framed photograph of her five sons held in Israeli jails, as she sits in her home in the West Bank town of Tulkarem, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007. One of Shreem's sons, Maamoun Shreem, is on the list of the 87 prisoners Israel is slated to release next week in a move to bolster Abbas in his power struggle against Hamas. (AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)

Check out the painting immediately to her left, and then ask yourself this:—Do you think the Israeli government jailed her sons unfairly? Do you suppose for even a fleeting second that these aspiring jihadists poor, oppressed menfolk were arrested for being Boy Scouts?

If I were a government, and I had a large population of people who were actively and openly trying to destroy me—and I don't mean through "democratic" methods—wouldn't I be justified in jailing the violent members of said population?

I mean, consideringthe alternates (i.e., Ye Olde Gallows), it seems to me like this is a rather humane solution, yet it never seems to satisfy the endless flocks of Western sycophants who jump to the defence of the terrorist regimes.

Keep images like this fresh in your mind the next time you encounter a photograph decrying the "poor, blighted" condition of Palestine.

 Tags: nasser ishtayeh AP #Intifada


#1 captainfish 25-Sep-2007
Israel is getting worse than we are with letting its enemies free and allowed to roam free within its borders.

Letting killers lose is a sure death sentence. I just dont see how liberals can logically think that letting killers go can achieve peace?

And isn't the background on the pic on the right the same one seen all the time by true and wannabe homicide bombers??

Time to get some cohones and build more jails and actively pursue those who want to do your society harm
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