Our Español lesson for today: "Tener cuidado con ésos cercan las podadoras alrededor del jardín."
It seems that the radical lawbreakers lobby—err, make that the League of United
Latin American "Undocumented" American Citizens—is upset at Clear Channel's VLW radio station for an on-air gag pulled by one of the programs on that station. LULAC is going so far to threaten a boycott of Clear Channel's top Hispanic stations in response.
Personally, I don't see many negatives to this—Clear Channel has been "hispandering" to the non-English speaking, non-assimilated masses for about 10 years now, so as far as I can tell, their chickens are merely coming home to roost. LULAC's take on the matter?
"WLW has a track record of offending all minorities. Who's the next target? This is a real problem that needs to be fixed," Riveiro said.
Once again, the imaginary "right" to not be offended trumps the right of Americans to live amongst people who actually
want to be Americans...