The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


I don't really have anything to add to this one...

A woman carries melons on her way back home after shopping trip in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday Aug. 20, 2007. (AP Photo/Saurabh Das)



#1 Rooster 20-Aug-2007
#2 captainfish 20-Aug-2007
What Nice Melons You Got There.

Madam, is there something wrong with your hearing?

Ma'am, please put the table top back on the veggie table.

I feel haunted by the draped lamps of the 70's.
#3 Captain_Lewis 21-Aug-2007
That's almost as naughty as placing a cucumber next to some tomatoes. Insolent bitch!
#4 Rooster 21-Aug-2007
Brian, why do most people that comment here say the most cliche things that exist to mankind? They are as original as aids.
#5 captainfish 21-Aug-2007
Gesundheit, rooster.

btw. cliche is funny.
As is sarcasm.
Spite isn't.
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