The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

How Original

Now Hezbullah is getting involved in the video game industry? Where have I heard that before?

Children play the computer game "Special Force 2" during its introduction to the media in the Beirut suburbs August 16, 2007. Raid Israel to capture soldiers, battle tanks in the valleys of south Lebanon and launch Katyusha rockets at Israeli towns -- the new Hezbollah computer game puts players on the frontline of war with the Jewish state. "Special Force 2" is based on last year's 34-day conflict between the Lebanese guerrilla group and Israel. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir (LEBANON)

If you can't beat the West in real life, I guess this is the only way to go... I'm not holding my breath for any level of condemnation from the usual anti-war buffoons.



#1 captainfish 16-Aug-2007
what do you want to bet that those laptops were donated, or the money to buy them was given to them, by USA.

I guess they are not hurting for food and water if they are buying high power laptops and mature shoot-em-up games for the young schoolers.

I just dont get it.
#2 Captain_Lewis 21-Aug-2007
What's up with that kid's hair?
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