The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

My Congratulations

... are due to "the group" Palestinian Media Watch, who have now officially made the Associated Press wires, with this iconic photograph of the "Peaceful" Hamas television character "Nahoul the Bee."

This photo made available by the Palestinian Media Watch group, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007, shows a frame taken from a Hamas TV show for children in which a man in a bee suit, known as Nahoul, swings a cat by its tail. The Hamas TV show 'Tomorrow's Pioneers,' depicting Nahoul abusing cats and lions at a Gaza Strip zoo drew a protest Wednesday from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Intended to warn children against abusing animals, the images are followed by a warning from the show's young host that children should not mimic Nahoul's behaviour. PMW logo applied by Palestinian Media Watch. (AP Photo/Palestinian Media Watch, HO)

Keep up the good work, guys!


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