The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Luk, I has Awwfenticitee!

This is just bound to increase the quality of incoming students. Oh, how I pine for the days when a University education actually meant something:

If there's a sign of the times in college admissions, it may be this: Steven Roy Goodman, an independent college counselor, tells clients to make a small mistake somewhere in their application — on purpose.

"Sometimes it's a typo," he says. "I don't want my students to sound like robots. It's pretty easy to fall into that trap of trying to do everything perfectly and there's no spark left."

What Goodman is going for is "authenticity" — an increasingly hot selling point in college admissions as a new year rolls around.

If our schools spent as much time "educating" as they do dreaming up ways of making more money—err, make that "increasing enrollment," we wouldn't have to worry so much about attracting educated professionals from other countries.

Not that we do that all too well.



#1 Bookworm 25-Aug-2007
I agree with you, if the schools don't put the spark in (and they don't), no spark is going to come out. I fulminate regularly at my blog about the way in which public education does everything it can to make students robotic little drones who faithfully repeat back rote formulas, both in the sciences and the humanities. I don't think a typo is going to humanize that.
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