The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Korean Faux-Protest?

Faux outrage. (AFP/Jung Yeon-Je)

This is an astounding catch by the good folks at Sweetness & Light. I've been seeing the protests in South Korea demanding their country's withdraw from Afghanistan in reaction to the Taliban's hostile act over the past week, but didn't think anything of it. Leave it to S&L to do the legwork that I missed:

And, as usual, our media cannot be bothered to tell us who is behind these anti-American, pro-terrorism protests. But note the name in yellow at the upper corner of a number of these protest signs.

A visit to the their website reveals what SPARKS is all about:

Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea
SPARK oppose

- the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq [Ed.: How does this relate to the U.S-Korean relationship?] and Deployment of Korean troops in Iraq
- joint Korea-U.S. military exercises that hamper the peace process
- the preemptive nuclear attack plan and hostile policy of the U.S. against North Korea

In other words, these protests are just another faux-show orchestrated by the jet-setting World-Wide Leftist Elite? I should've known!

 Tags: jung yeon-je AFP #Misinformation


#1 Rooster 16-Aug-2007
Stop using the word "folks" all the time. You're not from the south and you're not some "gool ol' boy", faggot.

[i][Ed.: Originally posted on 7 Aug 2007 at 16:07 EDT][/i]
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 16-Aug-2007
LOL, I may reside in "Occupied" Fairfax County, but I'm still "from" the South. Kinda like [i]this[/i] winner:


[i][Ed.: Originally posted on 8 Aug 2007 at 09:32 EDT][/i]
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