The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

AP Goons Attack Drudge Retort

Soccer Dad tipped me to this on Thursday, but I haven't had a chance to really sit down and go into detail on it until now:

Apparently, the legal department over at the Associated Press—Hi there, Priti!—has issued another legal threat to an online presence, this time targeting the news-commenting community the Drudge Retort.

The complaint itself has not yet been posted online (ours is here), but from the description provided by Rogers Cadenhead, who I suspect is the site's operator, the AP takes issue with brief summaries of their articles.

I've written about this in-depth over at Pajamas Media, so be sure to hop on over for the rest of this developing story!

Details within.

Rush Limbaugh is discussing the Associated Press as we speak. Don't forget about we little guys in this story, Rush!

Updates: Daryl Lang, official blogger for Photographer's Daily News, has sounded off on this story. It's well worth a read, as always!

Also, PJM reader Mary points us to an online petition decrying the AP's bullying tactics. Hopefully, we'll all be able to get through to these AP corporate knuckleheads.


Shaun Kenney, Tidewater Musings, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Instapundit 2, Riehl World View, Free Republic, Shooting Star, Sweetness & Light, doubleplusundead (Foreigner rocks, incidentally), Fausta's Blog, Support Your Local Gunfighter, LGF, Boker Tov, Boulder!, Below the Beltway, Hyscience, BizzyBlog, Instapundit 3 4, Crystal Clear Conservative, PBS,

Quasi-cross-posted over at NewsBusters.

 Tags: copyright AP #DailyFodder


#1 jimzinsocal 16-Jun-2008
Saw your piece at Pajamas Media. Nice work.
#2 captainfish 17-Jun-2008
DUDE... You doing NewsBusters??!?!


Congrats Brian. PJM, Photo Daily, and now Newsbusters... great work. Your reputation is growing greatly these days. Good work.
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