The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Morning Fan Mail

Lookee, lookee—It's another pile of sunshine, joy, and love from the Religion of Peace. "james hammel" has checked in on one of the Salman Rushdie stories, and shared a little note of encouragement:

Requires review: Yes (Auto-moderation after X days)
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User Name: james hammel
User Email: [email protected]
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im in al kihida and im gunna bomb all u white mans so fok u bitches and black ppl lng live the asians

Since the article was so old, his comment got held up for moderation. Such modern conveniences seem to have escaped our kind James, leading him to believe that his comment disappeared into the vast ether that rules the Islamic world. So, as any good Ummah would do, he left a followup message moments later, clarifying his thoughtful and peaceful remarks:

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User Name: james hammel
User Email:
User Homepage:

im in al kihida i bomb all u white ppl and especialy rea dougie and every1 who irish and tht so fok u white ppl i bomb u

Now that's peace.

Incidentally, by "al Kihida," our confused Mohammedan seems to mean "London." Two cheers for that vaunted English spirit, lad!

Update: I'm proud to say that Snapped Shot is now the #1 Google search result for Rea Dougie.




#1 DMartyr 09-Jun-2008
How come you get all the fun emails?

#2 Cletus 09-Jun-2008
is "[email protected]" his real email or did you withold it?
I just want to harass him a lil
#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 09-Jun-2008
DM—I guess you're not [i]trying[/i] hard enough! ;)

Cletus—WYSIWYG. If only it were real, my friend.

#4 captainfish 10-Jun-2008
what the crap is rea dougie?!!?

Are you sure he is from London? he sounds like he may be a 13 year old from New York City... hence the abbreviated text-messaging style to his penmanship. And this, "fok u", would signal a New York accent, would it not?

But then, he says he wants to bomb not just the "White Man", but the blacks and Irish as well.

I guess al-Kihida loves asians. Although, i wish he would have kept that to himself. I did not need to know that. This is a somewhat family friendly blog here, right?

Also, I bet he is in hiding. Why you ask? Because of his (I think) Irish and western first name and the Jewish last name.

Ok, he is a 13 year old Irish-American Jew living in the Bronx hiding out from al-Kihida.
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