The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Rage Boy (Impersonator) Sighting

I've seen some pretty serious Islamic Rage Boy impersonators over the past year.

This guy totally takes the cake.


He's got the stuff that legends are made of. Let's just see if he has the skill to succeed.

In the mean-time, any readers care to try their hand at naming our new rage dude? You know what to do.

 Tags: fayaz kabli REUTERS #Rage Boy Sightings


#1 Cletus 09-Jun-2008
Jihad Travolta?

I cant think of anything better
#2 Skul 09-Jun-2008
No way! IRB is number one. This new guy just looks he got out of bed.
#3 forest 09-Jun-2008
Sex and the Srinagar - starring Chris Noth.

He looks enraged, but he secretly loves being manhandled by strapping young policemen.
#4 captainfish 10-Jun-2008
mini-rage Boy
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