The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Surely, She Means Olmert

Considering that George W. Bush has zero control over the Israeli Defence Forces—Unless, of course, one believes that President Bush is responsible for the Vast Zionist Conspiracy™—I suspect that the Communist Party might need to fix up its protest materials a touch. I can't post the full picture, but here's the poster in question. Click on the highlight below to see the photo in full context:

She gets an "F" for e"f"fort.

How sad a day it is, when even Communist protestors fall victim to the homogenization of trans-national globalization; to one-size-fits-all, child-abusing mass production by low-wage paying Communist dictatorships Capitalist pigs!

If your average protest supply shop is this ill-stocked with low-quality Chinese goods, the proletariat doesn't stand a chance.

 Tags: moti milrod AP #YourProtestStinks


#1 captainfish 10-Jun-2008
Brian is back with a flourish!!!

Interesting, "communist party of Israel"....

But, in all liberal minds, it is the US who is evil first, then Israel second as US' bastard child.

If these people had an millimeter of brain tissue, they would know that we are the child of Israel. (in a way)
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