The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Daily Dictator

I'm going to be tied up in settlement all day, so I'll leave you with Mahmoud and his imaginary friend. It's not like I was going to be more entertaining than them, anyway.

"I sure do love you, Pooky!"



#1 Donkeyrock 30-May-2008
#2 Cletus 30-May-2008
#3 captainfish 30-May-2008
Ok, I give up. How do you guys post images in to this comment section...

(I hate html)
#4 captainfish 30-May-2008
Thanks Brian,

I know, crappy job.
#5 Donkeyrock 31-May-2008
#6 captainfish 31-May-2008

I love how the kid's play block has rockets on them.

Teach them early and they never forget.
hehehee.. nice placement of donkyrock!!
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