The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Daily Dictator

Sorry, I'm running behind today. I still can't believe that we woke up without furniture! Mahmoud, on the other hand, can believe it all too well. And apparently, the knowledge is leading him to binge on chocolates once more:

Om nom nom nom...



#1 Brian C. Ledbetter 28-May-2008
Hmm, anyone notice anything odd about the reflection here? I'm not seeing his hairline, and would think that it'd be darker, unless he's standing under a really bright white ceiling.

Are our terrorist pals over at FARS starting to pre-photoshop pictures for us now?
#2 Donkeyrock 28-May-2008
POST Photoshop is the best:
#3 Cletus 28-May-2008
Where do you find these, dude? And why are they even taken in the first place? is it supposed to be inspiring or something?
#4 Kevin 28-May-2008
#5 Donkeyrock 29-May-2008
Kiss my a-a-a-a-a-a-asssss
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