The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Daily Dictator

"They not stand near me. I don't know why."



#1 Yishai 22-May-2008
"Uhh, sir, your fly is open."

[grin] "Yes. That is why I am smiling."
#2 captainfish 22-May-2008
I was going to do that line.... waahh

Oh well,

"Your majesty, your zipper is undone."

"Yes, I knoooowwww. Look at my little majesty. Look and be amazed!"

guy in back laughing: "Little is right"

woman: "dang, should have worn my burkha today. Can't... let... him... see... me...(snicker).. laughing....(snickersnort)..."
#3 Donkeyrock 22-May-2008
#4 captainfish 23-May-2008

"Can I touch it now?"
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