The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

When Ethnic Northerners Rant

TNOYF gets the best fan mail. I won't spoil it for you—you have to go over and read it for yourself—but he had me in stitches when he pointed out that:

Thanks for the heads up. You heard it here first everyone. Only 9,855 shopping days left until the Armageddon War Day.

I'd better hurry up and get to the store!

Oh, and to all of you Ethnic Northerners out there? You're always welcome to write to us, too. Heck, maybe I'll even throw something in to motivate you:

Uh oh. Mohammed's mad.



#1 captainfish 07-May-2008
"By the way, I can’t wait to see what dame I deserve. Oh, please let it be Mary Katherine! Oh, please let it be Mary Katherine!"

hahahahhaahahaa... Can I put my name on that list too??? oh please, please, please? Hi Mary.
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