Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe is this close—yeah, that's a visual joke... and yeah, this is still a "written" blog—to being banned in Bahrain:
A raunchy Lebanese singer is causing controversy in Bahrain, where she is due to perform for the first time.
All but one of the members of the Gulf kingdom's Islamist-dominated parliament have approved a motion urging the government to ban Haifa Wehbe's show.
They objected on the grounds that the pop superstar's performance would be sexually provocative, violating Islamic conventions and Bahrain's traditions.
Organisers had earlier promised she would dress modestly during the show.
Judging by this video, I'd say the Bahranian parliament is underestimating her "special skills" by a long shot. Quoth my long-ago hero, "Homina homina, how WOW!"
Based on what I can tell from her average live show, though, they seem to be worried about a whole bunch of nothing:
Not so fatwa-worthy, if you ask me.
Since I'm sitting in the middle of a lecture over here, I've got the computer on mute on mute, so I can't really comment on her actual vocal skills. This is a visual story, though, so if it bugs you, feel free to join me with El Muto Buttono and judge based on the visuals and stuff.
Now that I'm out of class, I can give this an actual listen. Not as bad as I figured it would be, and certainly no worse than some of the crud I've highlighted over here.