The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Climbing Rushmore Drive

Rushmore Drive is a new search engine that boasts of its ability to "give the black audience a quick way to find information that other search engines... might bury beneath pages of less relevant results." I'm not sure about the "science" of such an approach, though it's not much of a surprise to see that the New York Times loves it.

I really hate to say it, but I'm liking it already:

See? It works. (Click to zoom)

For comparison, here's what Google thinks of me:

Google hates me. (Click to zoom)

I'm not sure why Rushmore Drive promotes this site so wholeheartedly, but if you think that this is somehow a racial thing, you are definitely mistaken.

Here's to hoping that this crazy new search engine keeps on catching on. ;)



#1 DMartyr 21-Apr-2008
Lol @ google search.

I had no idea you were a Master Magician!
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