A terrorist attack has been committed against the U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece. I guess that means that this won't be a slow news day, after all?
When I first heard about the story, it occurred to me that it could've been perpetrated by a number of groups, all of whom have a slight dislike for U.S. interests, radical Islamists being only a small piece of the possible pie, having the distinction of being joined by pro-communist anarchists, Cypriots (or were those anti-Cypriots?), and a number of other small factions. So thankfully, according to Confederate Yankee's report, it was committed by a bunch of leftists, Revolutionary Struggle. (Whatever happened to "truth in labeling?" Wouldn't this group be more appropriately called "Enriching Ourselves off the Backs of the Proletariat?")
Anyway, I'm sure there's always a possibility that these leftists were acting in collusion with islamists, but for the moment, I think it's safe to say that the Kommie Kids are fully capable of committing violence all by their lonesome.