The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Qana: Fraud of the year?

Looks like one of the disputed Qana photographs has been recognized as one of the REUTERS Photos of the Year (2006) (yeesh, how did I miss that story?).

Mentions of the controversy surrounding the photograph? Not so much.

Is this the new accountability that Reuters is aiming for?

PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2006 A Lebanese volunteer carries a child killed in an Israeli air raid in Qana, 6 km (4 miles) from the port-city of Tyre (Soure) in south Lebanon, July 30, 2006. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra (LEBANON)

Question for the readers: What do you think Richard's first reaction was to this?


Rusty has some excellent commentary on this story as well.

  #Israel/Lebanon War 2006


#1 Doug Ross @ Journal 16-Dec-2006
The elusive Jamil Hussein has been spotted in Qana. This photograph -- shot by a stringer for both the Associated Press and Reuters -- is proof positive of two key facts.
#2 toby fletcher 17-Dec-2006
LOL western media love blaming israel for the the crazed muslims using their kids as minibombs.
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