I just noticed that I've been spotlighted by Crunch Time, who is kind enough to suggest that my commentary is excellent. Many thanks for the compliment, Hapkido, but I'll say that I find your take on things to be far more entertaining! I don't even pretend to be anything but boring!
As an aside, I'm equally honoured (and somewhat shocked) to note that I've been positively referenced for the first time (sort of) in the comments on a fairly prominent Lefty blog, in a topic where our beliefs of injustice appear to intersect. Or, at the very least, they appear to be orthogonal... In any case, welcome, HuffPo'ers! I hope that, despite your innate tendency ("ingrained reaction?") to immediately demean we "reactionary" conservatives, that at the very least, my photo round-ups are of some value towards "the" discussion, whatever it happens to be! (Of course, feel free to ping me whenever you feel that I've somehow slighted you. Lord knows everyone else does!)
I really do enjoy your blog. Keep up the great work!
Merry Christmas