The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

There's a war a-brewin'?

Yoni quotes some experts who suggest that war is again on its way to the Middle East. In a matter of months.

We shall see. Hopefully, Israel will bring in a government that's actually interested in defending them before this happens.

  #War Watch


#1 captainfish 25-Oct-2006
"Hopefully, Israel will bring in a government that's actually interested in defending them before this happens."

Israel is basically a welfare state built on social ideals. It tried to be formed based on the Jewish belief in GOD, but the government was overrun with Soviet Jews that firmly believed in a socialist utopia.

Israel is going to be hit hard in the near future and it is going to wake them up to what they have been missing all these years..... a strong faith in their Lord GOD. And only HE will save them from the wars.

Heard rumors that Syria is rearming its armies near the Golan Heights in preparation for an assault on Israel soon.
#2 Brian 26-Oct-2006
I didn't cover it yesterday, but you're absolutely right. Yoni has the details- not only is their army mobilizing, but they're starting to organize a paid government in the Golan Heights. (In other words, they're declaring that they de-facto own that land by paying Syrian citizens to run the territory. Kinda like a reverse of the situation that led to the Civil War, no?)

Cap'n, you've had me rolling all morning! Thanks alot for your continued insights!

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