The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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"Who Knew" Alert

Muslims breeding extremist terrorists in Amsterdam? Who Knew?

AMSTERDAM — The continued radicalisation of especially young Muslims remains concerning, the national anti-terrorism co-ordination office NCTb said on Monday.

The NCTb also said it was "remarkable" that a rising number of Turkish youths were finding their way into networks of radical Muslims prepared to use violence against western society.

Earlier, Dutch Turkish youths were appearing occasionally in "jihad networks" made up primarily of North Africans, but there now appears to be whole groups of youths susceptible to radical Islam.

If you want a good example of "the radicalization" of young Muslims, I recommend you check this video out. This program is an excellent illustration of what passes for "mainstream Islam" in the Palestinian territories—and, one can assume, the rest of the Muslim world. Just check out MEMRI if you don't want to take my word for it!


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