The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Holy cow!

I dunno how I missed this one, but thanks to AllahPundit for picking up the slack, as usual!

REUTERS photographer Imad Muhammad Intisar Boghnat (who I oddly do not have any photos from) was arrested by Israel for, of all things, actively encouraging Palestinian savages peace-lovers to throw large chunks of stones at Israeli soldiers!

Oddly enough, I'm not able to find any photographs by anyone by that name, so either it's spelled differently in the REUTERS archives, or this guy is more of the video type.

I'll do my best to track this story, but until I'm able to find out more, keep checking back with AllahPundit.

Update: Yeah, that explains why his work isn't featured on Yahoo!'s news photograph feed—Emad is a videographer, according to the International Socalist Movement -er, make that "Solidarity," as if it makes a difference. What is rather strange is that there's no mention of this incident on Reuters' website. I wonder if it's still company policy not to report on one of your employees being caught encouraging terrorism...?

Inciting hatred, racism, and violence—all in a day's work for Reuters staff.


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