The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Sufficiently annoyed

Ok, so I gritted my teeth and smiled after being e-mailed the "Loose Change" crock-umentary about 4,000 times by supposed friends in July. Methinks a little payback is in order. I'll be armed and ready with my e-mail client this weekend.


Oh, and this one's for Google: crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary crock-umentary.

There. Take that, Googlebot!



#1 Brian C. Ledbetter 08-Sep-2006
Testing comments... Trying to figure out a way to deal with spam comments over here... Yeesh.

(Sorry for the hassles. Please bear with me for a bit :) )
#2 captainfish 09-Sep-2006
What are spam comments? And how are they conducted?
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