The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Not just a river in Egypt

Palestinian "youth."
Well, it seems that my predictions of the latest Intifada are only partially correct. While I fully expected to see Palestinians out in the streets throwing rocks, I never expected that they would be throwing rocks at their own government. Unfortunately, this distinction is completely lost on our press, who insists that Israel is still somehow to blame for this.

Check out this photograph, for instance. Taken by Abed Omar Qusini of REUTERS, we're told that, "While much media attention has been on Israel's war against Hizbollah in recent weeks, the situation in the Israeli-occupied West Bank has been slipping from bad to worse and beyond."

Last I checked, Abed, the Israelis weren't the ones withholding paychecks from these people. It's the Hamas-led Palestinian Legislative Council, stupid!

How is it Israel's Faulttm if Hamas would rather spend its money on guns than on paychecks?
Palestinian youth in the Balata refugee camp near the West Bank city of Nablus, June 24, 2006. While much media attention has been on Israel's war against Hizbollah in recent weeks, the situation in the Israeli-occupied West Bank has been slipping from bad to worse and beyond. (Abed Omar Qusini/Reuters)

 Tags: abed omar qusini REUTERS #Intifada

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