The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

That's believable

In this photograph, we're told that Iranian President Ahadmadinejad inists that, "Iran is no threat to Israel."

No threat to Israel? That's a relief. I could've sworn that the Prez didn't like those evil Zionists. In fact, I could've sworn he said,

[E]stablishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world hegemonic system and arrogant powers against the world of Islam... Ahmadinejad pointed to the meeting dubbed "A World Without Zionism" and criticized those sowing the seed of disappointment in materializing such a goal and attempting to undermine the world of Islam.

So, would a world without Zionism include Israel?

He added that a world without the US and Israel would be possible.

Ahh, I see. So in other words, Iran is a threat to Israel!

(As a side note, did'ya notice how respectful his photograph is?)

UPDATE 10:00 EST: A new photo has crossed the wire, wherein President Ahamadinejad is participating in the dedication of Iran's heavy-water production plant, a critically necessary component of any nation's strive for nuclear weaponry. (To my knowledge, There is no genuine civilian use for such a plant!) Now, seeing pictures like this, and combining this imagery with the statements I listed above, it is pretty clear why anyone would be concerned that Iran is a threat to wants to destroy Israel.

As an added bonus, our caption for this photograph, states that the production plant went into operation despite UN demands that Iran stop trying to produce nuclear weapons. When Iran thumbs its nose at the UN, what kind of response is there?

Yeah, you know. The usual.

Yet, when Israel fights to defend its very existence, they're condemned in the loudest terms, by every single tin-pot dictatorship member of the United Nations.

Aren't double-standards great?

I won't be holding my breath for the press to reprint the Prez's remarks anytime soon. After all, we can't expect people to actually come to an informed decision about how evil he is, can we? Especially since we know where all the evil in the world lives anyway (according to the press).

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamadinejad, pictured July 2006. Ahmadinejad insisted that Iran is no threat to Israel as he inaugurated a heavy water production plant just five days before a UN Security Council deadline to suspend sensitive nuclear fuel cycle work.(AFP/File/Behrouz Mehri)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, center, points during the inauguration ceremony of a heavy-water production plant, which went into operation despite U.N. demands that Iran roll back its nuclear program, in the central Iranian town of Arak, Saturday, Aug. 26, 2006. Ahmadinejad declared Saturday, after the inauguration of the plant, that his nation's controversial nuclear program poses no threat to any other country, even Israel 'which is a definite enemy.' (AP Photo/ ISNA, Arash Khamoushi)

 Tags: behrouz mehri AFP #Iran


#1 Sticky+Notes 26-Aug-2006
Yeah - but look what happened when he was done. I posted photos.
Have you noticed he loves that suit?
#2 Myrtus 26-Aug-2006
Yea I noticed his knock-off Boss suit too. He does wear it an awful lot, doesn't he?
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