The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Geospatial confusion

Hezbollah guerrillas carry the coffin of fellow Hezbollah fighters, draped in a Hezbollah flag, during the funeral procession for ten militants, in the southern village of Srifa, Lebanon, Friday, Aug. 18, 2006, who were killed in conflict with Israeli forces. A total of twenty-five villagers were buried in Srifa Friday, as the ground was opened for several mass funerals across south Lebanon, the Muslim holy day and fifth day of the cease-fire, after residents decided it was finally safe and hospital morgues had time to make sure all bodies could be claimed. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

If anyone can figure out definitively whether this is Lebanon or San Francisco, be sure to let me know.

I just love the Hezbullah Lebanese flag pictured here, with its hammer and sickle reminiscent of the Whiney 1960s. I suspect that, because of the obvious Socialist imagery, you won't be seeing this picture in any papers anytime soon...

 Tags: mohammed zaatari AP #Israel/Lebanon War 2006


#1 Hanif Leylabi 16-Aug-2007
Er.. that's the flag of the Lebanese Community Party who are part of the National Opposition with Hezbollah.

[i][Ed.: Originally posted on 14 Aug 2007 at 14:08 EDT][/i]
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 16-Aug-2007

Thank you very much for answering that. Is the party name really "Community?" Or is it the Lebanese Communist Party?

(Either way, it's no surprise at all to see a bunch of "commies" aligning themselves with such a thug as Nasrallah...)

Respectfully yours,

[i][Ed.: Originally posted on 15 Aug 2007 at 07:30 EDT][/i]
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