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Attempted equivalence?

Israeli soldiers stand on their tank with a poster picturing a Jewish Rabbi as troops gather in northern Israel near the Israeli-Lebanon border August 9, 2006. REUTERS/Petr Josek (ISRAEL)

I'm sure the point of this picture is to equate the Israeli "conquerors" with Islamists who carry around large banners of their leaders, as well. Anyone out there know what this is really a picture of? And what the caption says?

 Tags: petr josek REUTERS #Israel/Lebanon War 2006


#1 Geoffrey 09-Aug-2006
Aren't you doing the same thing as Reuters just for the other side?
#2 Brian 09-Aug-2006
Unlike Reuters, I've never claimed to be an "impartial" observer. If they were to abandon doing that, perhaps they'd have a more reputable standing in the world. Or at least, people would know up front what they stand for.

Hope this clears it up,
#3 Seraphya 11-Aug-2006
I am just trying to figure out why they had to add the word Jewish

a poster picturing a Jewish Rabbi

what other kind of Rabbi is there? anyone else find this strange?
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