The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Daily Fodder 8/9/2006

Yahoo! headline for today: Israeli Cabinet approves wider offensive

Apparently, the press doesn't find the thousand Katyusha rockets being fired into Israel very offensive. It figures.

Daily photo of the Deity of the Left. Life sure looks all peaceful and happy over in Cuba, with Herr Comandante in charge, doesn't it?

Is that a photographer walking in the background over there?

We are supposed to believe that this is a completely spontaneous demonstration of devotion to Fidel, conveniently placed in front of a block of "luxury" Soviet-style apartments. I'm sure these people are so much better than your average American...

Military-aged men.

I'm not sure what to make of this one. There appear to be two main groups in the picture—and the group on the left doesn't seem to be interested in what's going on towards the right.

More of those EVIL Israelis. Question for all of the photographers out there: How many times have YOU been threatened with DEATH for taking pictures of the IDF? None? I thought so.

Another nameless, faceless Israeli invader. At least the photograph is very beautifully composed...

I'll be posting more photos as they come across the wire, so keep your eyes peeled.

 Tags: fauxtography AP #DailyFodder

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