The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Al Aqsa Glowing Tribute: A Hamas Reaction

How fortunate for us to have such vaunted news services. Mere hours after their puff-photography of the bloodthirsty killers of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, we plebians are treated to a most balanced reaction from the bloodthirsty killers of Hamas.

Masked Palestinian gunmen from Hamas speak at a press conference criticizing Fatah gunmen in the West Bank who gave up their weapons, in Gaza City, Monday, July 16, 2007. Scores of Fatah militants in the West Bank signed a pledge renouncing attacks against Israel in return for an Israeli promise to stop pursuing them, a Palestinian security official said Sunday, July 15, 2007.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Of course, it's very fitting that Hamas would mock anyone for wanting to make peace with the Zionist entity. After all, it's not like we expect Hamas to suddenly become peaceful. How odd it is, though, that the Associated Press feels compelled to transmit their mockery world-wide as bona-fide news.

 Tags: al aqsa hamas khalil hamra AP #Thug Conferences


#1 captainfish 17-Jul-2007
You are obviously not experienced enough in this enlightened world to know that all people's of this world are entitled to Freedom of Speech and as such, all people, whether people of the US or its oppressed peoples (rest of world) deserve to be heard. It only stands to reason since there are more oppressed people out there at the hands of USA, then their message gets a greater share of reporting. But it is above and beyond reason to believe that reporters and truth-sayers actually hype or promote a certain message over others.

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