The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Do you need that Heeling Touch?

Okay, I'm not exactly sure what to make of this one, but I ran across it while searching through the AFP archives for photos of Rage Boy.

By all means, if you're easily offended, or otherwise prefer not to see crudely-drawn posters of ambiguous body parts and/or organs, do NOT click on this link. It could be NSFW, depending on what you think it is!

For those of you who are brave enough to click the link, I'd be delighted to hear your suggestions as to what we are looking at.



#1 Doug Ross 21-Jun-2007
Brian, there's nothing untoward in that photo... it's simply the imperialistic boot of hegemonistic oppression (aka American military forces) keeping the man down.
#2 Chestnut 02-Jul-2007
But it looks like a penis... The words "Healing touch" between the penis and the man drawn, just makes it more homo-erotic than the "protester" would probably appreciate.

It's the Islamic world's first foot-penis.
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