Guess what? Islamic Rage Boy has been sighted again on Friday the 22nd of June--The Worldwide DAY OF RAGE (Salman Rushdie Edition). Be sure to check the latest sighting out!
Update again:
This has gotten so popular, that I'm making a game out of spotting Rage Boy. If you run across him in your local newspaper and/or friendly website, be sure to let me know!
Update: Rage Boy hits the BBC. CAIR responds, as they are wont to do.
Major Update: Rage Boy has made it to NPR! I'll have the audio and transcript shortly.
Update: Rage Boy has been published in The Daily Mail (UK). Snapped Shot's reaction and commentary is here.
Big kudos to
AMDScooter at P.C. Perspective for pointing this out. I can't believe I missed it!
Last year:
For the record, the photo in question is a photoshop. The original is a slightly different angle of this photo, from
this Snapped Shot classic, which describes last year's violent protest over Pope
Benedict XVI's
[Ed.: Sorry about that, my Catholic friends. I really am quite dense sometimes...] "caustic" comments:
Great work, Scooter! Be sure to get
over here! (Background on how he got his name
over here as well.)
Update: Just ran into another couple of photos of Rage Boy in the Getty AFP archives. See 'em all beyond the fold!
truly humbled to have contributed a small part to
a story by hizzoner sir Christopher Hitchens. His is
truly a voice of sanity in a world gone batty, even if he is somewhat mistaken (in my
most humble opinion) on the question of theism. God Bless, sir!
Here is the original angle of our
iconic "Rage Boy" shot:
And check out how
tough our "Rage Boy" looks soon thereafter:
Even farther back, it seems our Rage Boy had some thoughts on the DANISH CARTOON CRISIS (which was before the epoch of Snapped Shot) as well:
He's got a problem with the
proper use of copyright, too:
Always in trouble with the law, this silly guy:
Somebody give this guy an Oscar!
Tags: irshad khan
tauseef mustafa
sajjad hussain
ami vitale
#Rage Boy Sightings
I wonder if he does Bar Mitzvahs?