The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Amongst Friends

A Palestinian Islamist militant member of Jund al-Sham group teases reporters in Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp, south Lebanon, June 6, 2007. (Ali Hashisho/Reuters)

Update: Aussie Dave has more on Big Bicep Guy... who seems to definitely be getting along splendidly with the local wire photographers.

 Tags: ali hashisho REUTERS #Lebanon


#1 BelchSpeak 06-Jun-2007
I never thought about it until I saw this photo. But I have often heard of people shipping Palestinians weapons. Are they also smuggling in steroids and Human Growth Hormones? That crazed bearded psycho is pumped!
#2 captainfish 06-Jun-2007
See, this is a perfect example why the UN needs to recall the economic boycott of the Hamas lawmakers and Palestinian children. You can see by this guy's physique that he has not had a good meal in a very long time. It is the economic boycott that is causing him to spend his milk money on fancy guns and knives to defend himself against the Israeli agressions. If he only had the millions of dollars in free aid, he could live a happy care-free life and not need to spend his lunch money on weaponry.
#3 JayDee 06-Jun-2007
That dude is on some good juice. DAMN!
#4 Lon McCarrens 06-Jun-2007
They must feed them goats milk and MLB certified juice there.
#5 forest 06-Jun-2007
It looks like there's a new camera hogging terrorist to watch for.

Just in time too since ol' Jughead is gone.
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