The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Shameful Propaganda

I think the implications that Muhammed is trying to get across are quite clear:

A young Palestinian girl stands next to an Israeli soldier as her family members, not seen, go through a security check while waiting to cross the Hawara military checkpoint, near the West Bank city of Nablus, Wednesday, May 30, 2007. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)

Muhammed, and whichever AP editor decided that this was newsworthy, deserve nothing less than to be fired immediately. This is blatant propaganda, and it has no place on a reputable (ha) news service.

I'm sure that Palestinians would neeeever allow their children to be near evil guns, right?

 Tags: muhammed muheisen AP #Misinformation


#1 Muhammed Muheisen 02-Jun-2007
Who decided that this photo is blatant propaganda, and it has no place on a reputable (ha) news service! Am really not sorry to say that you are a complete ignorant and have nothing to do with photography or wire services, or maybe you are living in a dark room somewhere never ben close to such situations, so here is my advice to you next time instead of trying to be smart think million of times.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 02-Jun-2007

Good to hear from you! You could say I've been a big "fan" of your work for some time now!

To answer in short, Snapped Shot is my website, therefore it is my [i]opinion[/i] that the photograph above is a shameful piece of propaganda not worthy of a serious news service.

If you think there's a justifyable reason as to why this picture is newsworthy, I'd love to hear it!

#3 Beth 03-Jun-2007
Haha--busted, Muhammed!

He's a bit sensitive to criticism, I think.
Or maybe he doesn't like being called out on his obvious (and clumsy) propaganda effort. ;-)

Great composition, Muhammed--if you're trying to plant the false idea that the eeevil Jooooz point weapons at little girls' heads. Idiot.
#4 Ghaith Risheh 24-Mar-2008
Muheisen don't mind on the comment he don't know what is happen in the country he is so blind :) just go and finnish ur work... don't mind :)
if u think that is a propganda go to the pictures who was captured in iraq for the civil with the us army that a propganda not this ..... ad he is already live in a dark room or maybe in a blind Room
#5 Lena 14-Nov-2010
The picture is real. sorry you don't like it but propaganda goes both ways. If what you say is true then it would be illegal to photograph any war, crime, death, etc. etc. considering the picture might look bad for another! Any photo on this earth should be free to be publicized and if your in the business of the news well.... the more the better.......
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