The Elder has run across something remarkably familiar. (I love getting Z-mail!) I saw these photos when they came across the wires, and didn't think anything of it. After all, blatant emotionalism for the sake of the camera is not exactly unheard of in the Palestinian territories...
Here's what the controversy is about:
And here's how photos like this happen:
Pretty straightforward, I'd say. I don't think the scene is staged in any way—it's
entirely plausible that the boy, if standing in a similar position to the photo above, would be hit by flying debris, without necessarily being covered in dust. Are the photographers trying to put it together as an emotional, dramatic scene? Absolutely. But I don't think for a moment that they set this man up to running around screaming... that's something that the locals seem to do on their own accord. For the cameras, of course.
Of course, it is pretty disturbing to see all of the the photographers lining up like lemmings, vying to capture their own "Pulitzer" moment.
Can you imagine how much better journalism would be if journalists would pay as much attention to
the truth as they did to getting glitzy awards?
I've rounded up all of the photos I could find on the wires below the fold.
See this top picture? Debris.
Bonus points will go, of course, to any reader who can identify any of the actors involved in the
Screaming Carrying Run [Update:—Haha, yeah, that's the best name for this phenomena that I could come up with at the time... I'll do better next time, I swear! Many thanks to Charles for the linkage in spite of the silly name...] in any of the other photographs...
Believe me, if the locals had a better track record of honesty in front of the press, or if the press had the integrity to say "no" to sensationalistic (but false) stories, sites like mine wouldn't exist.
Just like the fun didn't stop until we went through a hundred "Friday the 13th" movies, the wonders never cease in the Palestinian territories. Here are some other locals trying to "yuk it up" for the cameras:
Tags: adel hana
ibraheem abu mustafa
majed hamdan
The children rushed off to collect their figs, and the man, pleased with his invention, went back to his couch. But just as he was about to drop off, a troublesome thought aroused him: "Here I am, lying around, when there are free figs to be had in the marketplace!"
arabs are like that, you tell him it is a bird, he tell you it is a goat, you tell him it is a bird, he tell you it is a goat, the bird flew and he still tell you it is a goat.