It would appear that Bashar al-Assad, the darling of Nancy Pelosi, has graciously allowed himself to be re-elected to another 7-year term of dictatorship running the DNC's foreign policy. Here's to another 7 years of silly pictures of chinless ophthalmologists.
For the record, winning "97 percent" of the vote by cowing the populace via brutal violence does not make one the "elected leader" of anything, much less a nation worthy of being called "free."
Unless you happen to be a "favoured" member of the Socialist elite, in which case your praises will be sung by such widely diverse thinkers as "Red" Nancy Pelosi, Michael "Flabmeister" Moore, and Hugo "Killed the TV Star" Chavez.
The local population of public employees (hint to you DNC members: Public employees are employed
by Assad) made an effort to celebrate the occasion. While it couldn't possibly live up to Cuba's half-century of practice at these faux-genuine celebrations, I'll be rounding up the pics below, so you can see the wonders of
freedom for yourself.
Would a citizenry
not under compulsion feel the need to wear stylized Chinless
(tm) t-shirts to the voting booth?
I mean, I can't see what the problem is. They have a
bulletproof method of preventing voting fraud:
"You may vote anything you'd like... So long as you vote 'Yes.'"
Of course, if you happen to be "independent" enough to voluntarily vote "No" to re-elect the little chinless guy, there's DNA evidence to track you down with.
I'm sure this is one method of "voting reform" that the Democratic Party would stand firmly
In this next one, all I can say is, "Gee, I wonder how
she voted?"
And finally, the old "populist" gets to vote himself, to prove that the system is as free as he
DEMANDS! it be. I'm sure he even
had to stand in a loooooong line himself to get there, just like one of "De People."
Here's the local (captive) population's reaction to the re-election of the Glorious Socialist Leader.
Tags: hassan ammar
bassem tellawi
muhammed hamed
louai beshara
khaled al-hariri