I've just completed the second redesign of the website this evening. I've dug deeper and farther into CSS than I ever have before, in order to bring you the best looking, fastest loading, most accessible Snapped Shot ever! Many thanks are due to JayDee for the style debugging and random CSS help—I know I bugged ya a lot over the past month. (Hopefully the new style was well worth the wait, bud!)
If you run into any problems with the website, please don't hesitate to let me know. I've tested the site on the Apple (Safari, Firefox) and on the PC (IE7, Firefox), so hopefully it's got as many cobwebs shaken out of it as possible.
I'd love to hear what you think of the new look—I think it is much better at highlighting the photographs here. Since this blog revolves around imagery, and the use of it by various factions, I felt it was appropriate to focus more clearly on the subject at hand.
It's been a blast, y'all. Hope you like!